This FTP utility was engineered with automation in mind. Strictly for businesses that require ftp'ng of files on a regular basis and requiring an audit trail to ensure data was Sent/Received as perceived. The utility can be used as middleware which is common place in business world when two or more products/applications are on different platforms.
Some of the key Features are :
SSL, SSH, Private/Public key encryption
Recursive searching of FTP Server Tree
Site to Site transfers (FXP)
Proxy Support
Checking file state / entegrity before/after transfer
Logging of FileName, Sizes & Dates
Logging of Errors
Allow/DisAllow Duplicate Uploads/Downloads
Removal of Successfully Uploaded/Downloaded Files
# of Retries till successful
Wilcard Upload/Downloads
25% faster than most FTP CLients
Compensates for Network failure
Compatible with all FTP Servers
Flexibility to "Send to" / "Receive from" any Drive on your system
Launch Script/Batch file after Download/Upload
Email Notify Status of Transfers to Users
Ability to trigger the upload as new files arrive in the working path*All New*
Validates a files is not busy before an Upload/Download initiates*All New*
PASV Support*All New*
Proxy Support*All New*
Secure FTP (Public/Private Key encryption/Certificate Validation)*All New*
FTP Spider capability (Recursive Dir Search)*All New*
Raw FTP command view dialog (Toggle On/Off)*All New*
FXP Transfer capability*All New*
Immunity from Password revealing agents (Registered Version)
Auto Detect known ASCII file types (04/02/2004)*All New*
Support large files 2.4Gig+ (09/22/2004)*All New*
Verify CRC integrity
Launch as Windows Service
Zip/Unzip Capability
Search for Text/Binary patterns in a file as alternative for filename only search